Thank you for visiting my website! I'm Michelle, founder of Bellaphiya Bakes and mama to three wonderful girls, who are the inspiration behind both the idea and name of Bellaphiya Bakes.
I've always been a lover of all things sweet (dessert has always been my favourite part of a meal!), but baking and being conscious about the ingredients in food, came after the birth of my first daughter. Soon after she was born, we discovered she was intolerant to dairy and my journey into baking and plant-based living began (I had already been vegetarian for about 15 years at this point).
I began experimenting with desserts that were made with only natural, wholesome ingredients that were also free from dairy and refined sugar, and was surprised at how delicious they were, whilst also being nutritious and good for you. From this Bellaphiya Bakes was born.
At Bellaphiya Bakes I use only use the highest quality whole food, natural ingredients and sustainable suppliers to ensure that not only does your cake taste and look amazing but it will also be kind to the planet.